
ANXIETY- Work With It-Not Against It ANXIETY... ? ? ? Bane of human existence or an opportunity to fine-tune your energy balance and learn to listen to your body/mind on a much deeper level? If you have ever thought things like "My anxiety is bad" or "My anxiety has ruined my life", you are not alone. In my early adult years trauma…

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HELLO SPRING! YOU were born toBLOOM! GROW! SHINE! Empaths often get weighted down by unproductive energy that they have taken in-sometimes consciously and sometimes not.Trouble is that this unproductive energy paralyzes the Empathic Soul into complacency and stagnation resulting in inaction and little progress on the Path of Life.How to hack this?Close your eyes... (after you read this, silly!)IMAGINE that you are walking through a Late…

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I LOVE to write! There is something metaphysical about the act of writing, pencil in hand (yes-I write everything out in long hand first on paper), letters turned into syllables that tell a story. The mere act of physical writing is an alchemical action, combining mind, heart and Soul, that transforms those syllables into a kind of palpable energy. Well, at least…

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